
May 25, 2018
Steel buildings are metal structures constructed with steel for internal support as well as exterior covering. They first gained popularity in the early 20th century and have become more popular today, not only in the commercial sector but for residential buildings as well. They offer a wide range of advantages over other more commonly used...
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Steel buildings are metal structures constructed with steel for internal support as well as exterior covering. They first gained popularity in the early 20th century and have become more popular today, not only in the commercial sector but for residential buildings as well. They offer a wide range of advantages over other more commonly used...
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There are two main ways to create balance with your design. The first is SYMMETRICAL design and the second is ASYMMETRICAL. Symmetrical design is achieved by placing identical objects on either sideĀ of a central point. Also referred to as formal balance, this design creates a quiet and restful feeling and suggests restraint, orderliness and formality....
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