Torn between constructing a single storey and multi-storey home? Today we offer you with seven (7) advantages of remaining at ground level rather than moving up. It is cheaper to build flat. Fewer materials are used when building a single storey home compared to one with additional floors. Labor costs and professional fees are also...Read More
Post Tropical Storm Erika, one of the serious issues that our engineers have identified as a contributor to flooding and failed infrastructure, such as walls, is poor or no drainage. Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area. Many agricultural soils need drainage to improve production or to...Read More
A garage is one of many types of rooms within a home that is not commonly found here in Dominica for a number of reasons. For one, an individual or family may not see it as a necessity to have a garage if they do not own a vehicle or if they do not plan on buying...Read More